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Ordovich's Room, Art, Illustration, Painting, Animation, GIF, Music, Literature, Bookshelf, Piano, Absinthe, Portrate, Antique, Victorian
Postcard BALLYCLARE, Ireland by Ordovich art illustration Ireland Ballyclare painting traveler
iPhone Case by Ordovich art illustration Ireland Ballyclare painting traveler
When Mermaids Cry by Ordovich art illustration postcard painting
Midnight Mindbender by Ordovich Art Illustration Album Cover


Songbook by Ordovich, Art, Illustration, Painting, NYC, Music, Words, Lyrics, Literature
To Ballycastle iPhone Case by Ordovich, Art, Illustration, Painting, NYC, Anatomy

THE MERIDIAN QUEST, Ordovich's first graphic novel and O'ER the WATER'S EDGE are now available through Amazon, iTunes and more!  With these releases, Ordovich will be hosting several events in the coming months. So stay posted by signing up for the monthly SMOKE SIGNAL today!  And every new subscription comes with a FREE DOWNLOAD, because free things are the best.

 Songbook Deathbeds Dead of Winter by Ordovich, Art, Illustration, Painting, NYC, Music, Poetry, Words, Literature


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Cigarette? by Ordovich, Art, Illustration, Painting, NYC, Anatomy
Junipers of Jupiter by Ordovich, Art, Illustration, Painting, NYC, Indie Music Record Album Cover
Reflections, Ordovich, Photographed by Genevieve Liberté by Ordovich, Art, Illustration, Painting, NYC
Fire Escape, Brooklyn by Ordovich, Art, Illustration, Painting, NYC
Love Letters by Genevieve Liberté, Photographed by Ordovich, Art, Illustration, Painting, NYC
The Epiphanic Moment by Ordovich, Art, Illustration, Painting, NYC, Anatomy
Brooklyn Bohemian by Ordovich, Art, Illustration, Painting, NYC
Lady Liberté by Ordovich, Art, Illustration, Painting, NYC
The Voyage on a Postcard by Ordovich, Art, Illustration, Painting, NYC, West Indies, Dominica, Cabrits, Portsmouth
The Irish Gentleman by Ordovich, Art, Illustration, Painting, NYC
Roses in Prospect Park by Ordovich, Art, Illustration, Painting, NYC
Brooklyn Babylon by Ordovich, Art, Illustration, Painting, NYC
2013 & Thus They Roam by Ordovich, Art, Illustration, Painting, NYC, Album Covers, Indie Music, Soundtrack, Desert Sands
Warrior Queen of the Sea

Ordovich Presents:

Electric Mermaid Int'L


Made In BROOKLYN by Ordovich NYC, New York
Electric Mermaid International by Ordovich

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